Stephen M. Scriber, Esq.

2 Endorsements

Stephen Scriber, a graduate of Duke University School of Law, is an experienced wills, trusts, and estate planning practitioner, with offices in Marietta and Midtown Atlanta. He believes in serving his client’s needs with commitment, integrity, and honesty while minimizing costs and stress. In addition to running a growing practice, he has numerous involvements with charitable and nonprofit organizations in Atlanta, serving as Vice President/incoming President of the Stonewall Bar Association of Georgia. He also is a member of the Atlanta Leadership Committee of Lambda Legal, the Atlanta Bar Association, the Gate City Bar Association, and the Duke Club of Atlanta.
- Duke University School of Law (Juris Doctor, May 2011)
- B.S. Womble Scholar (2008-2011)
- Alaska Law Review, Casenote Editor (2009-2011);
- Duke Forum for Law & Social Change, Internal Managing Editor (2009-2011);
- Duke OUTLaw (LGBT Alliance), President (2009-2010)
- University of Mississippi
- Master of Arts cum laude, May 2008
- Amherst College
- Bachelor of Arts cum laude, May 2006
- State Bar of Georgia
- Stonewall Bar Association of Georgia (Board Member)
- Atlanta Habitat for Humanity
- Atlanta Bar Association
- Gate City Bar Association
- National LGBT Bar Association
- Duke Club of Atlanta
- Amherst Alumni Association
“I had the pleasure of meeting Stephen Scriber during a local church community event where we were guest speakers. Stephen spoke on issues relating to estate planning and probate and was impressively knowledgeable. At the end of his presentation, people were so engaged that they literally bombarded him with question after question. He answered them all with great insight and depth. I am confident that clients who retain Stephen’s legal services will be glad they did.”
“I endorse this lawyer.”

2 Endorsements