Scriber Law Group, LLC.


Same-Sex Married Couples Life Insurance Strategies

Sometime this year, the Supreme Court could very well change the whole same-sex marriage game, and rule that marriage equality is the law of the land. By then, it will have been about two years since they struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, which opened the door, and pretty much forced states to accept all married couples equally. Other court rulings have opened up marriage in a total of 37 states, to the point that, according to recent figures, same-sex marriage is no longer just an oddity; the number of same sex couples who are officially hitched is approaching… Read More

The Importance of Family Meetings to Estate Planning

One thing we in the estate planning business are always trying to do is to get families to speak to each other. Regardless of the issue, whether it's trusts or the will or end-of-life care, the entire family will be affected, so they should all have input into the process. For example, when you're talking to some parents about setting up trusts for their children, there's a good chance they'll be worried about an issue or two, but they won't want to bother the children about their decision.   Or worse, they may be excited about what they plan to… Read More

Talking to Aging Parents About Their Estate

Now that you've gotten your aging parents to talk about what they want to be done at the end of their life comes the hard part; talking about what they want to do toward the end, before they die but if they become incapacitated or ill, it's time to move that discussion in another direction. Again, it's really difficult to get some older people to talk about this stuff, but the discussion is only half over; in addition to talking to them about end of life care, it's time to talk to them about what happens after their life is… Read More

Talking to Aging Parents About End of Life Issues

Most people truly love their parents, in part because they've done so much for us over many years. They took care of us when we were kids. They often helped us get through our first few years of adulthood, helped us get into our first house, and they even help us with the kids once in a while. It's a really good idea to thank our parents for everything they do for us, to be sure, but how do we do that? One possible way if to take care of them when they need it in their golden years. But… Read More

Same-Sex Spouses Shouldn’t Rely on Default Rules

Sometime between now and the end of its current term, the U.S. Supreme Court will make a ruling that could change  everything for millions of same-sex married couples nationwide, as well as thousands of couples waiting hopefully in Georgia and other red states, because they will rule on whether the Constitution requires states to allow and acknowledge  same-sex marriages.   When it comes to estate planning, however, it largely shouldn't matter. While many same-sex couples seem to be waiting for the ruling to make things easier and make an estate plan less necessary, the fact is, every couple, regardless of their… Read More

Spring Cleaning Your Estate Plan

Spring has finally “sprung” and spring cleaning fever is upon most of us. But have you ever considered doing a "spring cleaning of your estate plan documents? Spring is a great time of year to take a look at the documents in your and make sure they're all up to date and reflect your intentions with regard to your estate and the individuals you intend to receive your generosity.   It's also a great time to take a look at what you have and make any shifts with regard to your estate. You probably just worked on your taxes, so… Read More

The Importance of Finding the Right Help With Estate Planning

When it comes time to begin putting together an estate plan, one of the most important things you'll need to do is to choose experienced, capable advisers who can help you get to where you need and want to be. Choosing the "right" estate planning adviser is extremely important because, with any luck, you'll be working with them for what could be a very long time. You worked hard for what you have, and you want to be the one to make sure what you earned goes where you think it will do the most good. That requires a dedicated… Read More

How to Keep a Trust “Silent”

One frequent concern for families when it comes to estate planning comes with the idea of transferring wealth to younger generations, mostly because they are concerned about the ability of those young people to be able to handle the wealth they will one day inherit. As a result, according to several studies, fewer than one-third of wealthy parents have fully disclosed their wealth to their children.   Their perception that their children aren't prepared to handle the wealth is one of the most-cited  non-tax reasons why families often establish what are often extremely large trusts, especially now that estate and gift-transfer… Read More

More States Requiring Business Succession Plans

There is an idea spreading like wildfire in recent years, which could require businesses could eventually be required to have a formal continuity and succession plan in place to do business in most states. It's become such a popular idea that the North American Securities Administrators Association, or NASAA has already created a model rule that would require businesses to develop a plan that dealt with issues such as backup books and records, communications systems and plans for reaching clients, customers, employees and others in case of a major business disruption,   The NASAA model rule is a template published by… Read More

The Benefits of a “Foundation Lite”

You don't need a highly qualified estate planning attorney to know that you worked hard for your money. If you have a significant amount of assets, whether financial or otherwise, they are often the byproduct of a very focused and very productive life. However, more often these days, affluent clients are looking to leave behind a legacy that is more meaningful and lasting than just their assets. For that, the assistance of a qualified estate planning attorney who understands your needs can be crucial.    Often, we are given the choice between passing on a bunch of money in the… Read More